Here is the next scripture thought form Kelly. I have been reading the books of Enos, Jarom, and Omni. I think those books are overlooked sometimes when it comes to the Book of Mormon, especially Omni. But here is what I gleaned from my reading this week.
In Omni, He starts out saying that he has been commanded by Jarom (his father) to "write somewhat upon these plates...". He then continues on in verse 2 and says, "...I of myself am a wicked man...". I read these two verses several times, because for some reason they stuck out to me. My first thought was, "Was Omni really a wicked man, or was he just human like the rest of us and makes choices that he knew were wrong or did not follow fully in the ways of Christ?"
I went back to verse 1 and decided that he was following the commandment of his father to keep the plates and "preserve our genealogy". So, he is doing what his father has asked, I wouldn't think a wicked man would do that. Continuing on in verse 2 Omni says, "...I fought much with the sword to preserve my people, the Nephities, from falling into the hands of their enemies, the Lamanities." Omni has also fought to protect the people of Nephi from destruction of the Lamanities. At this time the Nephities are still basically good, Omni is fighting for the righteous.
So far I would not classify Omni as a "wicked man". He has followed the commands of his father Jarom, a righteous man, and has fought to protect what is good and righteous.
Okay, now here is the kicker-at the end of verse 2 he says, "...I have not kept the statutes and the commandments of the Lord as I ought to have done." I thought to myself, do I keep the statutes and commandments of the Lord like I ought? I do not know if Omni was really a wicked man or not, but what I have learned from Omni is that it may not be as simple as not committing adultry, or not drinking coffee. I follow those commandments easy enough along with "thou shalt not kill". But where am I when it comes to "Honor thy father and thy mother" or "Keep the Sabbath day holy" or "thou shalt have no other Gods before me"? Now that I am a mother myself I think I understand where my parents are coming from and I honor and respect them so much more than I did when I was 16. So, I am square there, but what about Keeping the Sabbath day holy? I don't go to the store or party with friends, I go to church with my family. But what am I doing to keep it HOLY? I don't worship statues or have any other God, but does God always come first in my life?
In short Omni has helped me keep in check where I am concerning my Heavenly Father. I do believe I am pretty close to the path that leads back to my Father but am I as close as I "ought" to be?